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Michigan Laws Making News

What Laws Are Impacting Grand Rapids Area Residents

Ledford & Associates

With over 20 years of experience in the legal profession Paul Ledford cares about you and your legal needs.

Law In The News

Time To Close the Car Snitch Loophole

March 19, 2022

"car computers seem to fall under the "vehicle exception" to the Fourth Amendment's warrant -requirement.

Under that exception, which the Court invented in 1925 to facilitate enforcement of alcohol prohibition, police may search a car without a warrant if they have probable cause to believe they will find contraband or other evidence of illegal activity. A bill with bipartisan support in the House and Senate would prevent police from using that exception to grab information on a car's computer.

The Closing Warrantless Digital Car Search Loophole Act would require a warrant for such a search unless operating the vehicle requires a commercial driver's license. Any vehicle data obtained without a warrant could not be used as a basis for probable cause or as evidence considered by courts, grand juries, or regulatory agencies."

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Kent County courts announce warrant, traffic and parking tickets waiver program

March 18, 2022

The new program will work with individuals to settle debts without further penalty or incarceration.

Read more at WZZM13

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COVID-19 Business Income Losses Are Not Covered by Insurance Under Michigan Law

March 15, 2022

State and federal appellate courts issued similar rulings and concluded that business losses caused by pandemic-related orders did not qualify as recoverable losses under the commercial policies issued to the subject businesses and under Michigan law.

Read more at The National Law Review

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Laws let Michigan parole board wait 5 years to review certain inmates

March 11, 2022

The new laws, which take effect immediately, allow a majority of the 10-member parole board to wait five years under certain circumstances, including if more frequent reviews would cause additional harm to victims or their surviving family members.

Read more at ClickOnDetroit

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Grandville, MI 49418
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