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Trademark &
Copyright Law

We offer a full range of trademark & copyright advice

First Rate Representation

Trademarks & Copyrights are crucial for the development of your business



person holding trademark symbol
Trademarks are about brand – your unique brand. Trademarks protect your identity and distinguish you and your products or services from others. Trademarks are crucial for the development of your business and for the successful launch of your new products and services.

Trademark issues occur even for very established companies over issues such as confusion over the real source of a product.

Ledford & Associates offers customized and continuous legal advice to establish, build, and protect trademark rights. Trademark protection relies fundamentally on the proper use of a mark and the proper registration of it. We offer a full range of trademark advice, including search, procurement, and maintenance counsel to distinguish your company, products, and services.


As an author, musician, artist, or small business owner, federal and international copyright law can give you and certain types of work that you produce valuable protection against their unauthorized use by others. Unfortunately, not many authors, musicians, artists, or small business owners can afford to have their own copyright lawyer to maintain and enforce those protections.

Copyright services are often necessary as businesses produce unique materials as part of their daily business. Copyright legal services are also useful when a business is forming. As an experienced copyright lawyer, Ledford & Associates can help in the planning stages of your business by identifying preliminary copyright needs, including the protection of branded imagery and other property.
If you would like to learn more about trademark services or copyright laws, contact our office at (616) 257-3300 to speak with one of our attorney today!
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We have a professional staff working day in and day out to represent our clients and make your voice heard.
Ledford & Associates
3181 Prairie St SW
Suite 106
Grandville, MI 49418
(616) 257-3300
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Ledford & Associates
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