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Michigan Laws Making News

What Laws Are Impacting Grand Rapids Area Residents

Ledford & Associates

With over 20 years of experience in the legal profession Paul Ledford cares about you and your legal needs.

Law In The News

Telehealth Eases Pressure On An Overtaxed System

July 27, 2021

During the pandemic, the Office of Civil Rights — the division of HHS that enforces HIPAA — announced it would give remote health care services a boost by suspending enforcement of certain rules and forgoing penalties.

Read more at Above The Law


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Trends in State Courts 2021 Annual Publication

July 23, 2021

Trends in State Courts 2021 highlights how courts have responded to important social issues. These include the COVID pandemic, social justice, and cybersecurity.

See publication here


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Michigan unemployment benefits secure for those who ‘followed the rules’

July 22, 2021

The state letters in June prompted worry that people who’d collected benefits in some cases well over a year ago would have to pay them back to the state.

Read more at Bridge Michigan


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Michigan drivers can now disclose communication impediments

July 20, 2021

The information wouldn’t be public or show up on a person’s license, but would appear on the Law Enforcement Information Network, a computer system used by police during traffic stops.

Read more at mLive


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Ledford & Associates
3181 Prairie St SW
Suite 106
Grandville, MI 49418
(616) 257-3300
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