If you own one or more businesses registered and operating in the United States, you are now required to report your company's "beneficial ownership information" to the federal government under a regulation that went into effect on January 1, 2024. If your business was incorporated (corporations) or organized (limited liability companies) before January 1, 2024, you have until the end of 2024 to report to the federal government. If your business was created in 2024, you must immediately make the report (technically, it was required within 90 days of when it was created, if it was created in 2024).
I am offering a limited time discount to anyone who desires to hire my firm's services for purposes of making the report to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. I will make this report on your behalf for a flat fee of $300.00*, if you contact my office in the month of November, 2024.
You must act soon, as there are significant civil penalties and potential criminal penalties if you fail to comply on time.
*This discounted price applies to companies with 5 or fewer persons in "substantial control" of the company; I will offer a further discount if I am filing reports for more than 1 such entity. For entities with more than 5 persons in "substantial control," I will bill at my regular hourly rate.